Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gold Part 2

Gold is one of the easiest metals to work. It occurs naturally in a virtually pure and workable state, whereas most other metals tend to be found in ore-bodies that pose some difficulty in smelting. Gold’s early uses were ornamental evident by the many brilliant examples found at archeological digs around the globe. Gold has always been a substance of power. The earliest history of human interaction with gold is long lost, but its association with the gods, immortality, and with wealth itself are common themes in many cultures throughout the world. Early civilization equated gold with gods and rulers. Gold was sought in their name and dedicated to their glorification. Humans almost intuitively place a high value on gold, equating it with power, beauty, and the cultural elite. Since gold in its natural state is widely found all over the globe, we find the same ideology about gold throughout ancient and modern civilizations everywhere. Gold, beauty, and power have always gone together. Gold in ancient times was made into shrines and statues, plates, cups, vases and vessels of all kinds, and of course, jewelry for personal adornment.

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